Should you create a website as a social media influencer? Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is a platform where we connect with people, share our ideas and business. The rise of social media influencers has been phenomenal in the last decade, and the impact has been felt across all industries. As a social media influencer, you may be wondering why you need a website when you can just use social media “as your website”. In this blog post, we'll discuss the top 6 reasons why you should have a website as a social media influencer.


One of the biggest advantages of having a website is for searchability – SEO. People are using the internet and searching constantly. Having a website where all your content can live can bring new eyes to your content and brand. When someone who doesn’t follow you on social media searches for content and lands on your website, that is a potential new follower or customer. It’s a great place to send your social media followers for detailed instructions or more information in regard to posts. Even if it’s a simple website, it’s important to have one and continue to build it up over time. It will become more visible and increase traffic which gives you more opportunities in the future.

Control Over Your Brand

It’s important as a social media influencer that you have complete control over your brand. Social media platforms come and go, although the major ones are here to stay. But the rules of the game change all the time and so many have felt that with the changes of the “algorithms”. By having a website, you can create a brand that is entirely your own, and you don't have to worry about losing your audience if a particular platform shuts down or is temporarily unavailable which we have all experienced with Instagram. Your website is your space, and you can create your brand in the way you want.



A website gives you a level of professionalism that you can't achieve with just a social media presence. Having a website shows that you are serious about

your work as a social media influencer, and it gives potential collaborators, clients, and brands a place to go to learn more about you. A well-designed website can make a big difference in how you are perceived by others, and it can help you stand out in a crowded field.

Expanded Reach

While social media platforms are great for building an audience, some platforms are limited in their reach. Not everyone is on social media, and some people prefer to consume content in other ways. By having a website, you can expand your reach and connect with people who might not have found you on social media. You can also use your website to promote your social media accounts and vice versa, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.


One of the primary goals of many social media influencers is to monetize their platform, you don’t want all your eggs in one basket. Social media platforms are a great way to earn money through brand partnerships, sponsorships, and advertising. But by having a website, you can sell your own products and services, whether digital or physical. You have complete control and get to keep all the profits. You can connect with your followers on a deeper level through newsletters. You can also use your website to promote your social media accounts, creating a cycle of promotion that can lead to more monetization opportunities. Find monetization tips on how to become a successful DIY influencer.

Long-term Content Storage

Social media platforms are great for short-term content, but they are not ideal for long-term storage. Once you publish a post on social media, it's there for a while, but it can quickly get buried in the feed and become difficult to find. A lot of social media platforms are making it easier to highlight or categories projects, but you still have to sift through to find it. By having a website, you can create an archive of your content that is easy to access and search. You can also create a blog on your website, where you can publish longer-form content that doesn't fit on social media.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, having a website as a social media influencer can be incredibly beneficial. It provides you with control over your brand, a level of professionalism, expanded reach, monetization opportunities, and a platform for long-term content storage. By investing in a website, you are investing in your brand and your future as a social media influencer. Remember, this is a business, and your website is the foundation of that. It’s where you can create a brand that is entirely your own and create multiple streams of income from it as well.

So, if you haven't already, consider building a website to enhance your social media presence and take your influencer career to the next level. If you need help creating your website, I have a DIY website creation course that I created while building mine myself.