diy-influencer-marketing-tipsWhen you are learning how to become a DIY influencer, knowing key Instagram marketing tips will help you grow and reach success. Standing out in a crowded space can be a challenge. There are over a billion people on Instagram. So, to help, I have put together a list on how to become a DIY influencer and make the most out of these Instagram marketing tips. Influencer marketing has become a popular and effective way for brands to reach their target audience on social media. With its large user base and visual nature, Instagram has become one of the most popular platforms for influencer marketing.

Define Your Niche and Audience

To become a successful DIY influencer on Instagram, it is important to define your niche and audience. A niche is a specialized segment under the DIY umbrella. Think about what you “mostly” want to help people with? Furniture finishing, crafting diy’s, old home renovations etc. This will help you to create content that resonates with your target audience and allows you to become an expert in your chosen niche. After you have been social media for a little while, you can identify your audience by analyzing the demographics and insights of your followers, such as age, gender, and location.

I know people who niche down very specifically and have done very well on Instagram. When you are providing information about something very specific, then you know your followers are there for that specific value. This allows you to connect faster and your audiences feels more inclined to engage with you.

Instagram Audits

When I was learning how to become a DIY influencer, I bought an Instagram audit. An audit where an expert gives you their professional opinion about your brand, your Instagram marketing strategies and overall profile from their perspective. I was told that I would probably do very well with high end furniture upcycling. That is one aspect of what I truly love to do, but it wasn’t something I wanted to niche down and only do. It’s ok to stick to your heart if niching down more specifically isn’t for you.

Build A Strong Personal Brand

Building a strong personal brand is crucial for influencer marketing on Instagram. Tips for creating your brand involves creating a consistent aesthetic, tone of voice, and maybe even a brand message that aligns with your niche and target audience. You can use Instagram's stories to connect with your audience and showcase your brand. You can use brand specific colors in highlight bubbles, word text and on your website. When you create your brand, keep it consistent.

It is fun to come up with engaging content that sets you apart from other DIY influencers.

It doesn’t have to be something that sets you apart dramatically. It can be as simple as being exactly who you are without holding anything back. Don’t think about judgement or what you should and shouldn’t say. It’s important to portray who you are from the start so that it’s authentic and truthful.

diy-influencer-marketing-tipsCollaborate With Brands That Align with Your Values

Collaborating with brands that align with your values is important for maintaining authenticity and credibility as a DIY influencer. I know a few that only care about getting paid, and it eventually starts to show. It is not ethical, and your audience will lose trust.

It is also essential to only promote products and services that align with your niche and audience as well.

A brand that didn’t align with me. I had a lighting company reach out to me about collaborating with them on light fixtures. The style was modern and a little eclectic. I could have designed a fun room around them, but it was not my typical style. So, I knew that would be taking a chance with my audience.

The other reason I didn’t work with them was that their fixtures were expensive. I know I would not have paid that much for them myself and knew the price point didn’t align with my audience either. I told the brand that I loved the lights and opportunity. But that the style and price point wouldn’t quite align with my audience, and it wouldn’t be a beneficial campaign on either end. They were so appreciative of my honesty, and it felt good to be that influencer on my end. This helps to build trust with your followers and can lead to long-term partnerships with brands.

Use Instagram Stories to Engage With Your Audience

When you are learning to become a DIY influencer, getting on stories is SCARY!!!! Extra exclamation points for that one, because it is true. It’s so nerve racking, but truly the more you do it, the better you start to feel. Instagram stories is a powerful tool for getting a bit more personal showing who you are while building your brand. This Instagram feature allows you to engage with your audience and build a community. You can use polls, questions, and other interactive features to encourage your followers to engage with your content and provide feedback. Stories is a great place to showcase behind-the-scenes content that gives your followers a glimpse into your personality and lifestyle.

Focus On High-quality Content

Creating high-quality content is essential for standing out as an influencer on Instagram. This involves educating yourself on what ratios to use when posting photos and reels. Learn how to create high-quality images and videos, creating engaging captions, and incorporating hashtags to increase the visibility of your content. You can use various top-rated editing apps to enhance the quality of your content and maintain a consistent aesthetic.

My favorite DIY influencer apps are inshot and lightroom.

how-to-become-a-diy-influencer-marketing-tipsEngage With Other DIY Influencers in Your Niche

Engaging with other influencers in your niche can help you to build relationships and expand your network. You can comment on their posts, collaborate on content, and even attend events together. I always try to engage back with influencers who engage with me. I want to support other people even more when they show their support for me and my small business. This can help to increase your visibility and exposure on Instagram and helps people become more aware of your business.

Measure The Success of Your Efforts

Becoming a DIY influencer takes work and setting goals. So, measuring the success of your marketing efforts on Instagram is essential for understanding what works and what doesn't. You can use Instagram's analytics tools to track your engagement rate, reach, and follower growth. You can also use third-party tools such as Iconosquare and Social Blade to analyze your performance and identify areas for improvement. This helps you plan for what type of posts and reels your audience wants to see.

Final Thoughts

Unquestionably, becoming a successful DIY influencer on Instagram requires a combination of dedication, creativity, and consistency. Sometimes growth is as slow as a snail crossing the road, and other times virality might hit. By following these tips, you can effectively engage with your audience, maintain authenticity, and build a strong personal brand that resonates with your followers.

One major thing I learned from the Good Influencer course, is that treating this as a business is key. With patience and persistence, you can become a successful DIY influencer on Instagram and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. By continuously refining your approach and experimenting with new strategies, you can keep your audience engaged and continue to grow your brand as an influencer on this powerful social media platform.

No matter how becoming a DIY influencer goes for you, I hope you find joy in the process. Sometimes those slow months are there for a reason. Take a step back to evaluate your situation, your headspace and embrace them.

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