inside the biz

how to become a diy influencer

Would you love to turn your creative spark into a full-blown business as an Instagram content creator? Inside my business newsletter I'm sharing my journey and insider tips for Instagram content creators. Stop the struggle of growing your Instagram and start making money doing what you LOVE! I believe you are reading this for a reason. And now more than ever is the time take your hobby to the next level.


diy instagram content creator

know before you grow!


decide this is a business and treat it that way


develop a plan with reachable goals


define your diy niche & content pillars


a clear bio that calls out your audience


planned content calendar - that works for YOU!


mindset "workout" that becomes second-nature

The key is taking your time and enjoying the learning process. If you want to become a doctor, you go to school. If you want to become a beautician, you take classes. It's the same when it comes to becoming an Instagram content creator – educating yourself paves the way to success.

If you want to learn how to become an Instagram content creator, then know before you grow.

It's such an exciting industry to be in, but let's be real, there's A LOT to figure out on your own. Trust me, I've been there. But, imagine if you had all the insider knowledge from the beginning, how much time and stress you could save? My business newsletter takes you through everything I've learned as an Instagram content creator. I truly found my purpose and potential once I started to invest in myself. Reading, learning, mindset work!

Join me on this adventure of learning and growing with me.


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how to become a diy influencer 

My DIY Influencer Journey

I started my Instagram page for a place to share my diy projects and find other diy friends that loved what I did – being creative, decorating their home and playing with tools! Little did I know, there was a whole other world out there for DIY influencers. It was pretty amazing. People were earning an income collaborating with their favorite brands, teaching others to get inspired and how to use tools. I had no idea becoming an Instagram content creator could be a real job.. (like, you can get paid from pursuing your passion… on social media with a slew of like-minded people.. making your home beautiful… I was in aww and wanted to learn how to become a DIY influencer)

After diving deeper into the Instagram community, I felt pulled to pursue doing this as a career. I even paid for a diy influencer's class to become a successful instagram content creator. While my growth doubled, I realized that the method taught wasn't sustainable for me and it felt like a numbers only mattered. Overcommitting to that method and collabs with influencers left me feeling unorganized and drained, but I did gain valuable knowledge and new friendships along the way. ….continued..


So, what was next? I dove headfirst into the world of investing in myself and being an Instagram content creator. I signed up for a variety of classes and courses to expand my knowledge. I spent so much time listening to podcasts, reading, watching, and absorbing all the things on how to become a diy influencer and Instagram content creator FULL TIME.

I've learned so much about social media, marketing and how to create a business as an Instagram content creator. I realized though, I was spending more time consuming knowledge versus putting it in action. Once I started to implement some of it, I started to make money collaborating with brands and affiliate marketing. It wasn't enough money to quit my job, but it was a start and I saw the potential.

Then life threw me a curveball when my dad passed away. I took time off being a content creator and had a real “life is too short” epiphany. After I gave myself time to grieve, I was eager to get back to Instagram and inspiring others.

I was ready to get back to DIY and being an Instagram content creator. Soon the pressure of building a business as a DIY influencer and having a job, life and kids started to build up again. I found myself struggling. I couldn't help but still feel like I was falling short of my true capabilities. I wanted so much to go all in, but financially it wasn't an option.

I know now looking back though, that it wasn't part of God's plan for me because I wasn't fully mentally or spiritually ready.

But it wasn't just a matter of time and energy – there were also some insecurities holding me back. I feared not being seen as having “authority” without a huge social media following. But who's to say what gives an influencer authority? Some might agree with that, but I don't. In reality it was a bubble I created over myself.

Becoming an Instagram content creator seemed like a dream, but the inconsistency was definitely having a negative effect. Consistent growth and getting paid felt like so far away. It also seemed like when I was on social media, I was pushing out DIY projects and content to hurry and start my next one. With a job, kids, life.. it was too much for me personally. I know so many people who do a great job at it, but I did not like juggling it at all.

When I do things, I get really passionate about them. I want to be the best version of myself and focus my energy in one direction. That energy kept pulling me towards how to become the best social media influencer I could. In order to break free from my doubt and pursue this dream, I needed to shift my perspective. So, I landed in the “change your mindset” realm.

I'm a self-help nerd. I love reading about psychology and how our brains and emotions work and sometimes don't, lol. It reminded me of an old book I read about owning your happiness.  If you own your happiness, then nothing can take it away unless you give it away. A reminder of this incredible capacity for shaping our own lives. The possibilities for growth and happiness are in our control. Don't give away your happiness.

I made the decision from then on out, to not let my social media numbers be the reflection of who I am. Numbers are important, and I talk more about that inside my business newsletter (sign up here). But at some point when you are first learning how to become a social media influencer, you start to hyper focus on them. Its one of the phases we all go through.  But then you lose sight of what is important.

The number social media followers has nothing to do with my (or yours)… skills, knowledge, what we've learned and the value we hold.

Once my mindset was right, I started focusing on what my other problem was. Having a job! I needed to figure out how to get organized and plan my content better so I could do both. I did that for a while and it was working great. But, I still had that little voice in my head, “Quit your job, go all in.”

I had this voice for about 2 years, and talked to my husband about it so we can make a plan. Obviously, we needed to be financially prepared in order for me to do that. And then that day came and the face that I believed in myself enough to take the plunge and become a social media influencer full time.

So, I did just that! Crazy, I know. Thankfully and (so graciously) we were in a position to be able to do that. All of this and so much more has happened while learning how to become a diy influencer.

If you are contemplating it, I say go for it. It's such a fun industry. Of course it has it's challenges. I told my husband a few times when I was first learning how to become an influencer. I wanted to delete my Instagram and quit. BUT I DIDN'T – and that's the exact reason I'm here. If any of this resonates with you, I feel you!

Don't give up. Especially in the beginning while you're learning how to become an influencer.. you are doing just that. Learning, figuring it out, not knowing, having ups and downs, having no views, having thousands of views, being confused.. it sounds so trivial, but we all go through it. Being an influencer can be overwhelming. Don't let social media define you, you have to choose perseverance!

So why wait? Sign up for my inside the biz newsletter today and start living your dream!